Renewables, Power & Energy
Tech Skills Resources has a number of loyal and valued Power & Energy clients with whom we work with to place a variety of skilled Power & Energy professionals.
Power & Energy play an indispensable role in the economy and we pride ourselves on being experts in each area of this broad industry.
Speak to our specialists about Power & Energy job opportunities in the following roles:
Powerplant Designers, Managers & Operators
Operations Managers
Maintenance Engineers & Maintenance Managers
Commercial Managers
Environmental Engineers
Chemical Engineers
Renewable Energy Engineers & Renewable Energy Specialists
High Voltage Engineers, High Voltage Technicians & High Voltage Electricians
Network Planners
Transmission Engineers & Transmission Technicians
Energy Traders
Regulatory Officers
If you are a Power & Energy professional seeking an exciting new job opportunity, view our live jobs section
If you are an employer looking to hire Power & Energy professionals; talk to our recruiters or fill out the form below and one of our specialist Engineering recruiters will get in touch.
Tech Skills Resources is part of the Cpl, Ireland’s largest recruitment company.

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- +35316146000
- One Haddington Buildings, Haddington Road, Dublin 4, D04X4C9